Friday, July 19, 2024

There Are (a few) Downsides to Switching Out Biden

Various experts—notably Jon Stewart—have been urging the Democrat Party to urge Biden to step aside, and field a fresh candidate/nominee.

I know where Jon Stew is coming from.   He is, ultimately, a member of the Press, and their stock in trade is: words.  When Trump spouts his nonsense and lies, there has to be someone who jumps down his throat conclusively.  Someone who can spot a non-sequitor, and debate.  A lot of Democrats can do this.  It would be nice to even have a speaker who can articulate why Biden stuttered at the podium.  It was because of Trump's onslaught of lies.  Trump talked fast, but they were all the standard lies of his stump speech.

But there are negatives.  If Biden is switched out, the Trumpees will twist it to look as if the Democrats are admitting the failure of Biden's administration.  Obviously this is not the case, but something doesn't have to be true for the Republicans to make it convincing. 

If, however, Kamala Harris is the nominee, there are lots of advantages.  Trump will try to make fun of her as a woman, and that will not go down well with Suburban women.  I suspect there is a little racism in the Democrat Party as well.  They'll just have to deal with it.  There is a little sexism in the party as well.  They'll have to deal with that, too.


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