Friday, July 12, 2024

Presidential Teams

The news media has been anxious about the Democrats' presidential nominee ever since the first Debate, between Trump, and Biden.   Not just the Press; we've all been stunned: what will we do?  What will we do?

It's really not up to us, the common people, the so- called 'rank and file', to do something.  The party elites, as Biden called them, made a miscalculation.  Instead of declaring that Biden had gone past his Elect By date, they had taken him at his word, when he said "Lemme at him!  I'll beat him again!!" partly, I think, so as not to be rude.  Who wants to be rude to an elderly gentleman?  We understand.  But it was a serious miscalculation. 

If the only ones voting in this election are going to be the Demicrat Faithful, and the GOP Faithful, it would be unpredictable enough.  But these so- called Undecideds are out there, being confused and frustrated in the fringes, and they could run in any time and vote!  But they probably ain't gonna do it. 

But today, I want to talk about the two Presidential Teams.  You see, we must take into account the entire packet of President and Vice President. 

In the case of the Democrats, we know the team well.  In the case of the GOP, we know Trump, and that's all. 

Trump, we know, had a tendency to pick people and things as if they're accessories; will they look good together?  Will the accessories be easy to manage?  We don't know, but Biden just might be doing something that's distantly related to the same idea, except that it has far more to do with electability, representation, politics, and experience. 

And we know Trump tends to lie.  Lies come easy to him, and his electorate expects him to lie.  So the decision is easy for us. 

For the Undecideds: Democrats have historically tried to make things cut and dried for them.  Well, this time we have to take a deep breath, and let them make their own calculations.  Abortion?  Gun Control?  The SCOTUS?  Up to the Undecideds.


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