Friday, January 22, 2021

The Inauguration of 2021

My fears for this Inauguration were not realized---except for one, which cannot be verified yet---and Joe Biden takes the oath of office without much fanfare.  There certainly were lots of believers who wanted a noisier celebration, but I, for one don't have the heart for such a thing, given that almost half the population is disheartened by the outcome of the election.

Having invested so much emotion on the outcome of this election was not a healthy thing.  Emotional politics are not good politics.  And there are inevitably winners and losers in any test, such as an election; the more the test is loaded with emotion, the more devastating the loss is for the losers.

Obviously we can't make everything completely emotionless, from now on.  There will be some emotion involved when people receive their vaccinations; there will be emotions when we hear about people who refuse the vaccination, and refuse to have their kids vaccinated.  There will be emotion when people who have been trying to live off their meager savings heave a heartfelt sigh of relief when a check comes in the mail.

There are those who do not have insurance that will pay for the vaccinations.  That state of affairs must not continue, though many conservatives are determined that it is better for everybody for some people to not have health insurance.  Everyone who fights for health insurance for all will be swept into a bucket labeled "Socialist Radicals," and will be vilified by the media streams whose claim to righteousness is the insistence that "socialism" is un-American, and the steady labeling of anyone who has a program for the alleviation of the pain of poverty as "socialist," even those members of congress who have watched their constituents suffer and die due to the pandemic, and the lack of medical resources, and their economic status.

My one fear, which will be either dissipated or come true, is that even the small inauguration celebration will be a spreader event.  Mask-wearing was almost total, at the Capitol Steps, but bear in mind that a prolonged gathering of even masked people could result in infection.

The loveliest surprise, for me, was the poet, Amanda Gorman!  I was mesmerized by the grace of the gestures with which she accompanied her reading.  This is beginning to be a common characteristic of black women orators; and a welcome and eloquent one.  Ms. Gorman's command of the language of the hands was exemplary, and lent her reading a glow that elevated the inaugural exercises to a new height.

Let a thousand flowers bloom.  Mao Tse Tung's fanciful utterance can be put to a good use, if we ignore its pedigree.  (No doubt if certain types of patriots were to discover this blog, I will be pillaried for the perceived error.)  Let all good things comfort us, and let us have the fortitude to endure the few bad things that will surely dog us a little longer!


Saturday, January 9, 2021

Just Coming to the Surface to Groan

Well, I have been watching the gruesome circus on the Mall, and I’m horrified, but more at why the usual security forces were not able to hold the fort.  They’re awfully good at telling tourists to buzz off; I guess they’re not quite as efficient with a mob.

I’m more fascinated to see the death spiral (not that he’s going to die) of Trump, firstly, and secondly, how awkwardly Trump enablers, like Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham, are distancing themselves from Trump!  They seem unable to say that they knew he was a bozo all along, though some of them have been known to be extremely uncomplimentary about Trump.

Here’s my thinking.

The GOP has been watching the Democrats modernizing society, the economy, working at the environment, addressing problems with energy, etc, with horror.  The Alt-Right, too, saw the potential for gun legislation, and immigration legislation, with great anxiety.  When they saw the great support Trump had among the lunatic fringe, they must have seen Trump as the last, best hope for pushing back on progressive legislation.

What I don’t understand is this desperate loyalty that the Capitol-storming Proud Chickens have for our former Fearful Leader.  It is so horribly, horribly embarrassing to see the kind of people who rushed off to the Capitol at the behest of Trump (who was, of course, rushed to safety).  We know that in any army, the cannon-fodder is by no means the elite of the force; the elite horse-soldiers come at the back, riding over the dead.  There are Conservative intellectuals watching the action, thinking out their next move.  But it puzzles me why so many rats have stayed with the sinking ship for so long.  Elaine Chao, bless her, Betsy De Vos, and Melania’s social secretary (probably an important figure within the Trump family) have all resigned.  They obviously have their limits.

Someone said that Trump has threatened to create his own alternative to Twitter, since Twitter has blocked him on that platform.  Now that alarms me, because at least all of us use Twitter, and the ideas of each side of this crazy polarized mess we call the Twittersphere leaks over to the other side.  If Trump establishes his own alternative to Twitter (what’s he going to call it?  Chitter?) it will polarize the former Twittersphere almost completely.  Actually, there is a Facebook-like platform, called Parler, that is inhabited almost completely by violent conservatives; Trump doesn’t have to go to the trouble.

Anyway, at least the Presidency will pass to Joe Biden, which we were a little anxious about.

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