Tuesday, July 30, 2024


I had a fellow student in graduate school who had a broad Western PA accent.  One time, I said that something was made out of bamboo, and she exclaimed "Biyam-BEW??"

That was the first time I really noticed her accent, and of course there was no going back after that!

We were very fond of each other, but I was—essentially—happily married, and I never drank beer, which she regarded as a serious shortcoming.  One afternoon, she hauled me out to a little bar, and ordered a pitcher of Stroh's.  I had never seen a pitcher of beer, and I was intimidated.  We started out drinking the health of mathematicians in alphabetical order, starting with Archimedes!  By the time we had got to Helmholtz, the beer tasted pretty good.  (For those of my readers who haven't tasted beer, try a pitcher.  Or what is known as a flight, which is just a sampler, a tray of small-ish glasses filled with a variety of different beers that the bar stocks.  You might find one to your taste.)  Beers are not intended to be sweet.  If you're only comfortable with sweet drinks, you'll have to get the advice of your friends.  Very few beer drinkers are inclined to take the time to work with a non-drinker, unfortunately.  I'd say they're more interested in getting you well and truly sozzled that to help you find a beer you'd really like to drink.  Sue me, beer drinkers. 

Which is why I was so impressed by my friend helping me to get my feet wet.  (She also wanted me to smoke, but that wasn't happening.)

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