Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Political Violence

Donald Trump was just shot at during a rally yesterday.  Lots of letters are being written to newspapers; people have a variety of concerns: how to protect presidential candidates; are the secret service guys trustworthy; are there too many guns out there; but most of all—are people losing trust in the political process, especially younger people???

Many are probably thinking: tell us something we don't know, why don't you?  The fact is clear to see.   To be president, you must either be rich, or come from a wealthy family, or have the support of a wealthy cabal.

Why  did the SCOTUS give the Citizens United decision?  Money has such blatant power over everything that it's hard to believe the voters have any power at all.  Asking the Demicrats, the ones who most often speak for those who have little or no wealth, those who represent the poorest constituents, are marginalized as The Ultra Left.

Get guns out of the hands of violent people. 

Get money out of politics.

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