Sunday, July 21, 2024

Kamala Harris is the Democrat Nominee?

Just got the news that Biden has dropped out, and endorsed Kamala Harris to be the nominee. 

I'm excited; the more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that this choice will work.  Some Democrats ,unfortunately, will be acutely discomfited by the prospect of the nation—and the Party—being led by a black person.   There will be, no doubt calls to verify her passport, and so on.  Well, on principle, I don't object to that sort of thing: see what happened with George Santos.  More on this later. 

They won't like the fact that Kamala Harris had Indian parentage, either.  Remember that Britain survived a Prime Minister of Indian descent (even if not very well). 

This situation has so much going for it!  I don't want to get too excited; I still have reservations about how dynamic the DNC is, and whether they have the vitamins to jump in and capitalize on the circumstances. 

I know that Bernie Sanders wanted Biden to run; I'm not sure exactly why; perhaps he had some instinct about how well Biden would do against Trump.  I also know Pete Buttigiege (?) was solidly behind Biden.  I would guess that those who were rooting for Biden to hang on were mainly opposed to having the party force him out, and we could say that the party didn't; it was probably COVID that did it. 

Let the wheels resume turning!  It is a good day. 


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