Sunday, July 7, 2024


We all were dismayed after watching the debate between Trump and Biden.  Each of us to a different degree, because we've been getting accustomed to unsteadiness, the unpredictability, the inconsistency, and the lack of mental stamina of the two debaters.  (In the case of Trump, the word stamina doesn't even really apply, because he doesn't really exert himself intellectually at all.  But during certain public appearances, Trump's physical effort has failed, and he has relapsed into total unintelligibility.  The MAGA crowd does not mind, because they're motivated mostly by his appearance: he looks like a president of the good old days, and is a lot of fun, too!)

I was thinking that perhaps Biden ought not to debate anymore.  Biden can only reliably duel using moves he has prepared in advance, and Trump throws too much at him, too rapidly (a deliberate strategy) for Biden to prepare for.  Trump doesn't need to properly duel Biden; he just needs to generate the right kind of noise, and his people will love it!

So, as far as voters who watch the debates to choose the man with the superior ideas, it's time to abandon that hope.  Trump won't stop lying, so that's out of the question.  Biden has realized that seriously refuting Trump is tiring, and doesn't get him anywhere.  The only thing that will work against Trump is (?) more and better insults, but that does not come naturally to Biden.  It would also do permanent damage to the idea of the debate itself. 

Thinking people are going to be terribly disappointed with live debates this election year; I for one will vote without reference to debates.  But we all fret about the undecided voters. 

Well, the very fact that someone is undecided, that someone even entertains the possibility of voting for Trump, or worse, Kennedy, tells us that these are people who cannot be trusted with any damn thing. They must be so desperately feeble-minded that they may as well be MAGA. 

In other words, nobody's mind is going to be changed.  It's just a matter of getting out the vote. 


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