Saturday, November 30, 2024

Time To Relax!

Every election year, I get myself into a frenzy, worrying about how the general voting population will vote.  But now I'm thinking, it's time to let them vote in any fanciful way they choose, and observe the consequences.  (With calmness.)

Some candidates will promise:
I will reduce inflation!
I will reduce gun violence!
I will eliminate corruption! 

I will ban abortion! 

I will make abortion freely available!

(Of course, nobody can promise both those last two things.)

Each voter has to decide which promises are plausible, and which are not.  Unfortunately, reporters are interviewing Republican voters, and they seem to be voting based on the most blatant lies they hear!  It's nice to be innocent, but to be that gullible ought to be a felony!  In the face of that sort of trustfulness, anyone who is more pragmatic will be bewildered. 

So, will all the politicians voted in be able to deliver on all that they promised?


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