Well, everyone who is not a radical Republican is wondering how to bring the temperature of Politics back to levels at which any sort of work can be done.
Radicals are all about disrupting the status quo, to overturn an oppressive status quo, and focus attention on problems, and replace the traditional hierarchy with a different one, more sympathetic to their aims, and one that will work for them.
But while this upheaval is going on, a lot of processes will come to a halt, processes on which a lot of people depend. I have feeling that the MAGA crowd doesn't have the sheer imagination to anticipate the problems. Issuing food stamps, seeing doctors, going to school, getting groceries, etc. Even bringing people up before judges, complaining about bad behavior, and such.
The Republicans don't always care about these sorts of activities (in fact, they might be delighted at being allowed to misbehave a little, and, you know, grab some pussies, like the big boys.) But pretty soon they're going to find that a lot of the things they want to do are going to be impossible, or difficult.
There's a price everyone pays for breakdown of order. All the work that the big shots wanted done efficiently by low-paid workers (about whom supposedly only bleeding hearts like Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris, and Alexandria O. C. cared) might be disinclined to work as hard as they used to, once they realize that the Red Leadership seems to be neglecting them.
Operation 2025 will shut down many services that are more important than the MAGA crowd realizes.
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