Friday, November 1, 2024

Husbands Voting one way, Wives Voting Another

In our family, we always talked over the political situation, and each of us might suspect how the other will vote, but we never expected them to vote the same way.  Now Fox News is making a fuss about how someone—I'm not sure who, it might be Trump, or it might be Tim Walz*—seems to be encouraging wives to vote differently from their husbands.  Oh, what a shame!  They're making it out to be positively un-American, if not downright immoral, or unChristian!! 

I never thought twice about it, but I guess these days, when those who lean one way—I guess lean is too mild a word for how it is—consider those who lean the other way as quite unhinged, spouses voting differently might be considered as betrayal.  I could be wrong, but I thought I read somewhere that during the Civil War, wives and husbands sometimes found themselves on different sides of the question.

There is a guy called Jesse Waters (or is it Watters?) on Fox, whose emphatic positions on things are quite incommensurate with his knowledge of facts.  He was waxing indignant about the whole issue of husbands and wives voting differently, and declared that if his wife were to do that 'behind his back' he would consider it the same as having an affair.   Of course, Fox News considers (like Trump) that hyperbole should be expected as a matter of course, many wives would feel uncomfortable about how their husbands might react to them voting for reproductive rights, for instance.  I wish I could tell you who—quite innocently, I'm sure—precipitated this crisis. 

*Actually, it was Megyn Kelly amplifying something that Liz Cheney implied.


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