Saturday, June 8, 2024


"Was ist das?" you might ask.

It's  a way of making hamburgers that's liked by a large number of people, including me!  I recently had a hurried hamburger at Burger King, and it was so good that I cudgelled my brain, to try and remember exactly what the reason for the yumminess was.  Then I saw a lot of hoo hah about Smashburgers, and I put the two together and got this blogpost!!

All you need to do is sift through the six million links that come up when you search on smashburger, and you're set for life.  I'll give you an abbreviated introduxion. 

Get some hamburger, some garlic powder (o), some onion powder, some salt (o), and some pepper (o), mix them together, make into a ball, and put the ball on a cold griddle (or frying pan, or frypan, as they say in parts of the country).  (o)=optional.

Turn the heat on the griddle to medium-low.

Use a heavy wooden spatula, or those weight things they use on bacon, to SMASH the patty into a thin disc.  Flip the patty when the edges are brown, scraping up every bit of crunchy crusty burger.  

I'm told on good authority that it's those crunchy bits that make the burgers special. 

Once both sides have been fried (bim* the second side fries a lot faster) put on hamburger bun.  Add any extras you want, e.g. onions, cheese, ketchup (if you must), mayonnnaisse (if you must), bbbaaconn (if you must), and pickles, put on its headdress, and there you go!

Today, for lunch, I made a tiny slider-sized hamburger this way, except I forgot the salt. I sprinkled garlic powder and onion powder on top, since I had forgotten them too.  (Halfway through, our dog trotted up, and I guessed he liked the way this was going.)

Fried the thing to a turn (a phrase I never figured out, but this blog is a place where I try things out!  Oops) and put the corpus delecti on a slice of Aldi bread.  I'm not sure what sort of bread it was, but the patty was so small I had to cut the slice in half. 

Delicious.  Just like Mom would have made, if she had ever made one. I don't think this recipe alone is enough to establish my reputation as a cook, but— give it a shot!!


P.S. I can't remember what I intended "bim" to mean.

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