Sunday, June 9, 2024

Licker License

More about Bruce.  Aka Brucie, or Bru-bru.  Over the years, he has gotten very fond of Katie.  When it's getting close to mealtime—5:15 p.m.—he goes and sits in front of her and makes puppy eyes at her.  When she makes as if to get up, he races over to his water bowl, and starts drinking.  ("Now you have to give me dinner.")  All this Katie worship doesn't prevent him from turning to me when he wants to go out at night, etc. 

When we come downstairs first thing in the morning (the critters are forbidden from going upstairs without supervision, because of shedding), Brucie is ready with his little blanket to greet Katie!  Same, if we've gone out anywhere; he races up to welcome Katie back from, you know, foreign parts.   Katie's sister calls his blanket The ceremonial Blanket, very High Church.  Sometimes he forgets the blanket, and races back into the house to fetch it and present it.

Sometimes when we arrive at home from some sortie, Katie says, I'm going to water the flowers, just take my purse in, please, so when I open the door, Brucie sees just me, but he's all set to jump up and lay a kiss on Kate, so he gets me on the face instead.  Thank God he isn't any taller; at least he doesn't get me in the eye, you know. 

That dog is sort of insane, but getting pretty affectionate.  But the barking has to stop. 


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