Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Getting Some Sleep in this Election Season

Ever since I wrote that post on Socialism, I have been worried, thinking that anti-socialism folks would see their worst fears confirmed.  Though I am certainly in favor of Health Care Reform, even if it isn’t Medicare For All—which has to be improved in numerous ways, if it is to be friendly to everyone, take into account any grifters who have hung onto the medical system like leaches, and the numerous administrative folks who tend to tap into the enormous amounts of cash that flow through the medical system.  Some of these will end up working for the Health Service, but a lot of them will have to find some other whale to stick to, e.g. golf courses, or electric charge stations...—rich conservatives, who see the livelihoods of their friends going away, and their investments in Health Insurance disappearing, will begin screaming about Socialized Medicine, assuming that just those words will scare everybody.  Socialized Medicine is pretty much exactly what I want, if I had my druthers, and let me tell you: unless you’re a lot wealthier than I am, you will get better health care for less money than you’ve ever got so far.  It remains to find out whether doctors in Socialized Medicine countries are paid as well as doctors in the US (which would tell us something whichever way that goes).
No matter what goes on between now and Election Day, the more Democrats go to the polls and vote, the more likely that a Democrat will win.  And what’s more, the more likely that all those Democrats who are running for Senate Seats will win.  And for Congress.  It’s that simple.
Of course, Trump and his pals are creating a whole virtual world of fake news; declaring the election over as soon as the votes on November 3 are in, at midnight, etc.  There are all sorts of scenarios about how votes in Blue States are counted, etc. etc.  Well, there is nothing we can do between now and then; that sort of attack has to be taken care of after it happens.  Now, Trump and his friends are depending strongly on the Supreme Court ruling in their favor about their election shenanigans.  But telling the Supremes what to do is like herding cats.  Just saying.  Even Kavanaugh cannot be depended upon to salute, and vote Trump’s way.  He’s a Supreme for life, quite a different position than Trump’s.
Of course, in another four years, we will have to vote against another Reality TV star that the GOP will put up.  (Not the GOP Politburo, but the GOP rank and file, led by the Alt-Right, who are, it seems to me, an aggregation of yahoos, who realized that the inner core of the GOP could be smothered by a colorful character like Trump.
We can cross that bridge when we come to it.  It’s going to be a slow 4 years with Biden at the helm (but who knows?  We may not get socialized medicine, but if Biden decides to efficiently repair the highways and bridges, the many government buildings, schools and airports, putting a huge number of people to work, that would satisfy me.  Above all, Andrew Yang’s idea of a Universal Basic Income looks really good, even if it is restricted to people of low income).

My advice is: ignore the news and the TV.  Ignore your junk mail.  Stay focused on voting.  Get a good mask to wear, comfortable clothes, and a folding chair.  And on Election Day, keep your eyes peeled for Trumpy officials trying to turn voters away from the polls.  I think the GOP wants violence, so that they can turn Election Day into a brawl, call out the troops, and declare the election invalid, and impose military rule, or something like that.  Unfortunately, the military, too, isn’t too happy about Trump and his friends.  Heel spurs.  Right.

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