Monday, July 8, 2024

Paper Towels

In my opinion, the paper towel sheets that our rolls come pre-perforated with, are too wide.  It wasn't too long ago that they were about a half-inch narrower, which seemed a perfect size to me.  But someone must have whispered in the ear of the manufacturers: "Hey, are you crazy?  Are you trying to sell them more paper, or less?  Make those strips wider!"

"How much wider?"

"Well, the tree-huggers wanted narrow paper towels, to save paper!"

"Make them as wide as you can, without attracting the attention of the tree-hugger police."

Too bad; the tree-hugger police is on to you.

Perhaps in the Project 2025 Appendix they probably have 'Make paper towels wider, so you can wipe your butt with a single sheet.'  (Never mind that you're not supposed to use paper towels as toilet tissues.)


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