Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Despise and Detest, Without Hating!

The title of this post was written with tongue in cheek!  But the motives of the Republican leadership is very opaque, and we have to wonder: are these motives as despicable as they seem?

Soon after the Covid pandemic broke out, and the administration was trying to get as many citizens vaccinated as possible, I remember the Republicans accusing certain Democrats' vaccinations as "Theatre"!  You know, that gives us some insight into the thinking of the Republicans; at least some Republicans.  Some of what they do is theatre.  Trump indulges in a lot of theatre.  I sometimes wonder whether the marginal Republican members of Congress, such as these sundry Bobert's, Taylor greens, and Gaetz, recognize the Theatre for what it is.  Also, do the MAGA faithful recognize the Theatre?  Or do they think it's all theatre?

Well, I digress.  If we're driven by hate, it actually detracts from our effectiveness.  Some people can motivate themselves by hate, and keep focused on what has to be done, like Madame Defarge.  Others get distracted and derailed, and lose sight of their tasks.  I'm one; hate just distracts me.

Our task is to keep aware of the Republican theatre, and vote.


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