Friday, July 26, 2024

Not Every Republican Politician Talks Rubbish All the Time

I don't know what switches on these important flashes of reason, but they are often wonderful, and far too infrequent.

What made me sit up and take notice is a quote from Nikki Haley reported in the New York Times.  Neil Vigdor, writing for The Times, says:

Nikki Haley, who was one of Donald J. Trump’s Republican primary opponents, and is the daughter of Indian immigrants, rebuked members of her party for calling Vice President Kamala Harris a “D.E.I. hire,” using the abbreviation for diversity, equity and inclusion. “It’s not helpful,” Haley, who was South Carolina governor and United Nations ambassador during the Trump administration, told CNN. Haley, who endorsed Trump months after she lost a bitter primary campaign, urged Republicans to focus instead on Harris’s record, which she said was far left. “You don’t need to talk about what she looks like or what gender she is.”

I could not have expressed this any better than Nikki Haley has.  Nikki Haley has echoed lots of Donald Trump's idiocies; a greater number than any intelligent person should have been able to make herself go with.  But politicians are a strange animal; sometimes they make themselves say things that are really weird, for the sake of positioning themselves politically.  But evidently, maligning Kamala Harris's and her own cultural backgrounds was going just too far for Nikki to tolerate.  By describing Kamala as having no qualifications except for her racial identity (which is, I think, a typical racist miscalculation) suggests that all people of foreign descent currently in politics owe their positions merely to DEI considerations. 

Of course, that's the type of consideration that Trump's allies sorely miss being able to make.  When they were kids, insulting immigrants was allowed.  But in this uncomfortable New World (out of which they have faith that Trump will lead them) they've got to watch what they say.  PC.  This is why they've hated PC so much. 


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