Friday, May 17, 2024

Harrison Butker???

I only just heard about the graduation address delivered by this football player at Benedictine College on February 5th.  Apparently, he told the graduating women that their diplomas would not be as important as their marriages.

This is a complicated statement to unravel; first off, it is an opinion—I hope he presented it as such—rather than an incontrovertible fact.  (A wife or a mother could very well find her diploma extremely useful, even after marriage.)  And how is one to assess the importance of these things, except relative to their usefulness?

It was a graduation address at a Catholic school, so it is possible that Butker's statement was intended to be theological in nature, in which case, who am I to disagree?  It just seems to me that Mr. Butker's point would have been more appropriate to wealthy women who plan to live a life of leisure and child-rearing, than to hard-working women of today, who have to work at professional jobs as well as raise a family.


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