Sunday, June 7, 2020

I'm getting tired . . .

Of silly statements from the white house.  We’re being “led” by someone who would probably never pass 9th grade composition.  Or even 5th grade speaking in front of the class.  And of the bonehead supporters who pretend to love it.  It’s embarrassing.  It is cheap one-upmanship masquerading as thoughtful response.
Of the so-called “GOP” endorsing all the foolishness emanating from all branches of the government.
Of plans to suppress the vote all up and down the country.
Of using ham-handed violence in opposing protests.  Whom are you trying to impress?  There are video clips of all these acts of viciousness, which will surely be trotted out against the governing style of the Republicans.  The “faithful” will possibly watch with grim satisfaction, but everyone else will remember, with horror.
Of the stupid ways people do not socially distance.  Do not have large gatherings indoors.  A peaceful protest on a street will push the limits of safety, especially if people are walking close together.  But a big party in a room is crazy, unless you’re all people who live in the same house.
Someone in government obviously thinks that the Floyd Protests will fizzle out if the so-called Security personnel are unnecessarily rough.  Let's see whether that works out.  Maybe modern peace marchers are wimps.
If voters stay at home in the face of all this un-American affronts to decency, it will be a miracle.
I missed a march last evening.  I'm so mad.
And another thing: what's up with this unidentified police force?  Is it not legal for citizens to disregard someone who purports to be a policemen, but does not wear identification?  This opens the door to people legally impersonating security forces.
I just read about defunding police.  What a silly idea!  If police protection becomes unavailable, you can easily see how private militias will be created by rich businessmen to take up the slack.  This is a not-so-clever attempt to drive a wedge between the rich and the poor, and whites--who usually take the side of the rich--and blacks, who often take the side of the poor.
There are two ways in which police forces can be viewed to be professional.  They can learn how to handle civilians, how to defuse volatile situations, know how to protect evidence in a crime scene, know how to behave in a professional way with belligerent protesters.  But some would view police professionalism as consisting of: how to shoot to kill accurately, how to put people in a lethal choke hold, how to intimidate, and so on.  If that is the standard of police excellence, we may as well use the military for security.  How is it that in so many other countries--but admittedly not all--police are far more professional in the law-enforcement and peacekeeping sense than they are here?

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