Everywhere I looked a few minutes ago on YouTube, there was an Ad saying we can't afford another four years of Obama, with so many millions added to our debt, so many millions out of work, etc, etc.
The big weapon of the Republicans appears to be their ability to flood the media with negative advertisements. It is very tempting for [the Democrats to respond with] counter-ads that adopt the same negative tone as these Republican lies, but I fervently wish the liberals would continue to resist fighting fire with what they feel is fire. I think a calm, informative, firm message that simply says that the advertisements are not true should work better. I do not believe that it is worth doing anything, no matter how extreme, to win this election. If we steal this election despite what most citizens want, we will pay for it with another four years of bitching from the 1%, and "Yeah, what he said," from the pea-brained proletariat.
There is no point to putting Obama in the White House surrounded by a Senate full of foot-dragging conservatives, and a Congress full of activist Tea Partyers and a handful of fearful moderate pseudo-Democrats who are afraid to leave the Capitol after dark for fear of being a target of a wet teabag. Obama alone cannot do anything; he can only keep Romney from destroying the nation for four more years. If the people want destruction, that's what they should get.
Of course, we must vote, and there is no point in capitulating until it is clear that the vast majority of voters want a conservative leadership in Washington. But the conservatives, however vociferous, are (as far as we can tell) in the minority. We can only hope that the so-called fabulous sector of Still Undecided Voters is not so gullible as to be unable to see through the enormous volume of Republican disinformation that is flooding the media.
The Democrat activists are yelling for more money to combat the Republican noise. I wish they would use whatever money they have wisely, and not focus on a counter-noise campaign with just more noise.
[Added later:
The local Codes Officer of the area in which the aforementioned Democrat state representative was accused of having sub-standard rental properties came forward with a video clip addressing the issue. It had come to his attention, he said in the clip, that Republican Candidate X's office has been distributing handbills accusing state representative Y of being a slum landlord. The information in the handbill is false, he continued in a calm and reasonable voice, in fact two of the properties are not owned by Representative Y, and there are errors in the other data as well. In fact Representative Y is a good landlord, and there are no complaints against him.
Oh, I was never so proud! The whole clip was less than a minute long, and had the facts, and nothing but the facts, and not even an implied criticism of the overeager Candidate X, or of his staff. If I were an undecided voter, I would have been impressed. But if these undecided voters had been me, they would already have been impressed, and been a lot less undecided.]
The courts are the only thing holding Trump back
Trump and Musk seem to think that they can do whatever they want to
whomever they want. As far as Congress is concerned, they are right because
the Republi...
9 hours ago
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