Wednesday, August 8, 2012

We're Getting Beat

Move On is mailing me, saying that "We're getting beat."

I love that little colloquialism: "getting beat", instead of getting beaten.  It either means that Move On (or at least their correspondent, Justin Reuben) wants to give a nice homey feel for those liberals who do not know their grammar, or 'beat' is what comrade Justin thinks he really is getting .

All these organizations that support the Democrats, see combating Citizens United as the most important task they have before them.  They feel that they must raise more money than the Republican troops.

Well, maybe they do.  The money is used for flooding the airways with counter-advertisements to attempt to neutralize the venom that R. Limbaugh broadcasts, and filling Television with commercials that defend Obama (and Democrat candidates), and attack Republicans.  This is imperative if, as we all suspect, most of the people on our side have short memories, are gullible, and are liable to be persuaded to vote for Mitt Romney in the Fall, or just stay home in November.  (The people on the other side are this way, but they're not in the least likely to respond to our ads, have no fear.)

Unfortunately, a very close friend of mine who works for the local Obama campaign headquarters (hem-hem, let's not mention names) discovered, to her horror, that most of those who had filled out index cards to volunteer for this or that, were not registered to vote.  It was a little alarming to find out that the campaign's biggest supporters weren't even registered.  (The people at the office immediately got on the phone and let these space cadets know the situation, and all of them undertook to get registered instanter.)

Let's do the easy things right away, and put off the harder things for after the elections.  Let's get registered.  After that, if we don't vote, we deserve what we get.
--Only if you want to!


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