Monday, September 16, 2024

Well, That Was the Debate That Was

We're within a month and a half of the elections.   We now have to just make sure everyone goes out to vote on Election Day.  I'm new to this business, so I don't know how mail ballots and stuff work.  But normal ballots: you go to the poll place on November 5th, line up, sign in, and vote. There are some older people there who compare your signature with one that they've got in a book, if they approve, they give you a ballot (for us it's just a scantron form), you sit at a table with screens on either side, mark in your votes, take it up to the girls who manage the voting machines, and feed the ballot through the slot. 

I usually find out who is running for the local races (mayor, DA, dogcatcher, etc), because if you don't know their names, it becomes messy.  There have been times when the Democratic candidate was a bit of a number, while the Republican wasn't too bad. 

It's hard to keep up enthusiasm for such a long time, but because of Trump's shenanigans, it's a little easier. 

Honestly, I do not want another debate—except, a walz-Vance debate might be entertaining.  Someone should give Trump a Word Find puzzle book.

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