Thursday, September 5, 2024


'Ti's the season for candidates to accuse their opponents of flipflopping on the issues.  In border policy, on abortion, on tax policy; practically everything. 

(I'm not talking about the Republican candidate, here, though I think he should be allowed the same degree of flip-flopping as anyone else.)  I'm talking about Kamala Harris.  When deciding on what, and how much to tax, it all depends on what everyone can tolerate.  During debates, of course, each side is trying to trip the opponent up, making them say things that can be used as fuel for TV ads, and so on.  But it makes no sense to hold them to opinions they expressed five years ago.  Conditions change.  Trump himself trotted around the globe, destroying diplomatic agreements, making threats, threatening allies; he changes everything, and sucking up to national leaders the US has generally regarded with suspicion.  (One of his stated goals has been to build a reputation for himself as being difficult to anticipate.  Which could also mean that he's undependable.)


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