Jonna Ivin, in a recent blogpost in the online STIR magazine, explains some of the social history that makes poor whites actually side with the very people who keep them poor. The title of the post is "I know why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump."
It is tempting to try and paraphrase the article, so that you would not have to read it. It is a long article, but its length is not superfluous. It is an accumulation of small facts and events that add up over its length. Prejudice, ignorance, fear, manipulation, and corruption all play their part.
I'm beginning to recognize that I'm only good at talking about facts, analysis, and my own insights, which might be speculative. When I get angry, I think I'm less effective; I don't do emotion very well. This article describes how emotions have been manipulated systematically, and even if you disagree with some of the observations of Ms Ivin, the cumulative effect of the history she relates is convincing.
Anyone who has watched a Trump public appearance has noticed the clever misdirection he employs, and how he systematically puts up verbal effigies of those he wants his audience to hate. We know that hate is an important tool in his armory. But for what is he using this hate?
George Carlin has a segment in which he describes a technique used by the Ruling Class. It has been used from time immemorial, but systematically employed only since the American Republic, when the Colonies needed labor. Read for yourself.
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That wealthy people are able to exploit all manner of tax loopholes is well
known. Most of these loopholes do not occur by accident but are inserted by
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