Monday, January 27, 2025

Renaissance People

This category of persons were called 'Rennaisance Men', but it seems going against modern sensibilities to use that term.  It means people who are interested and involved in everything, and can, ideally, speak knowledgeably on every area of human interest and activity.  Benjamin Franklin, a national treasure, was such a person; he was interested in history, politics, and science, we know, as well as literature and journalism.  But I think I remember that he was widely read, and wrote about a variety of subjects.  Thomas Jefferson was another founding father who was revered for how wide his interests were, and his knowledge was.

It's important to be a Renaissance person.  There seem to be people who are slightly acquainted with every subject, but whose opinion can't be relied on on any matter.  There are also people who have focused on just one thing, to the exclusion of everything else, and their opinion, too, is distorted by being too close to that one subject.  This is why I urge everyone to keep an interest in a variety of things.

Oh well; that covers what I wanted to say. 


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