Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Election!

It's coming home to me just how much the outcome of this upcoming election is going to depend not on how the electorate feels, but on exactly who is motivated enough to come out to vote.

The GOP is a fragmented group of people.  They've always been that; whoever runs for president on the Republican ticket has to persuade people that he supports all the numerous things that that confused party has under its umbrella: anti- socialism; US jingoism aka neo conservatism; opposition to welfare (including opposition to 'Obamacare', the IRS, Public Education, and other topics that fall broadly under the heading of Racism); opposition to immigration (which can be construed as also falling under the 'Racism' heading, but deserves it's own bullet point); opposition to Gun Control; opposition to Clean Energy; opposition to postal ballots; opposition to birth control; opposition to abortion; LGBTQR+ folks, and a number of other things.  There are a few things that they are for, such as school prayers, Christianity as State Religion, packing the Sipreme Court with conservative judges, lowering taxes for rich people, etc. The Bush presidents didn't have trouble doing this.  Mitt Romney did; we know how that turned out.

Lately, though, Democrats have also been fragmented.  Some, frustrated with the decades of compromise where the Democrat administrations have given breaks to big corporations, hoping they will be nice to their employees, want more definite pro-worker agendas.  The Republicans were quick to label these as Socialists and Communists.  In fact Trump declared that Global Warming was an invention of the Chinese government.

You can easily see, therefore, that if Biden isn't charismatic or glamorous enough to entice the entire Democratic Party to come out to vote, and if by some twist of fate, the entire, discouraged GOP, most of which has lost faith in Trump, and which is currently egged on by strange people such as Large Marge, and others of doubtful mental capacity, we have an election in which it would be hard to get people motivated to vote. 

One thing that would get Democrats motivated, is the fear that Trump might really destroy the Washington government structure (which all Republicans hate, though it hasn't been as tough on them as it should be).  Trump is a bigger embarrassment to the US than he was before.  But Democrats-- despite the accusations of the Republicans-- are not a vindictive lot.  We're protective of minorities and women, to a certain degree; we're cautiously supportive of teachers and higher education, though the anti- intellectual conservatives have been grinding away at the universities. 

College-educated liberals will definitely vote, and against Trump, (except the MBA's, who expect that Elizabeth Warren will make life hard for businesses).  This could become a mess. 


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