Sunday, December 3, 2023


Well, today Katie decided it was the best day to put up decorative Christmas-type lights!  Two of my close friends died, but I guess these sorts of decorations should not be left undone for the sake of mourning. 

It hasn't been long since holiday decoration lights ate up a lot of electricity over the holiday season, and I cringed every year, thinking about the waste of energy.  But the tiny LED lights we have draw a fraction of the power their predecessors did, so I make sure I'm not being watched by the energy police, and help Katie hang up the lights.

Even when I was still teaching, I encouraged the student club to decorate a large lobby with an artificial tree that was visible from outside the school building, so students who have known me have cause to class me with the decorative light maniacs on our street.  (Whatever the season: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, the lights blast out.  Of course Spring Lane in South Williamsport has us all beaten.)

The time will come, though, when we shall have to desist from unrestrained electrical splurging.  There will probably be multi-national pacts to say that we're going to cut down inessential use of energy by a specified amount each year, and using fewer Christmas lights will be a painless way to do it. 


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