A satirical article in Diversity Chronicle was reported as if it was fact (in the style of pieces in The Onion). For a while I believed that Pope Francis had actually said what was reported there, but it is all a hoax.
The article was well-written, except that it would be impossible for any pope to come out and say the stuff he is supposed to have said without calling upon himself the ire of perhaps the vast majority of Roman Catholics today, or at least a significant number. Among the fictitious statements are
“Through humility, soul searching, and prayerful contemplation we have gained a new understanding of certain dogmas. The church no longer believes in a literal hell where people suffer. ...” Only were it so! Few in The Vatican may believe in a literal hell, but many of the faithful certainly do.
“All religions are true, because they are true in the hearts of all those who believe in them. What other kind of truth is there? ... We all love and worship the same God.” This is a lovely sentiment, and the kind of thing that a pope might say someday, but it would destroy the Catholic Church as it exists today. The one principle that in fact holds the Roman Catholic Church together today --not the principle that should hold it together-- is that it has the Only Truth.
“The Bible is a beautiful holy book, but like all great and ancient works, some passages are outdated.” !This would delight some people, but again ... he didn't say it. In this passage, the author makes him say that they are about to ordain women as Cardinals. It is truly cruel to write a piece that is so convincing, and extends such hope to a gender that has been held back so long from pursuing their ambitions in church leadership. But then, again, what merit is there in leading an organization founded in myth?
Honestly, it is very likely that the inner leadership of The Vatican subscribes to no mythology at all, and understand almost all religious dogma in a philosophical light. The demythologizing of Orthodox dogma has been going on for centuries, but the Church probably thinks that it would not be humane to declare it publicly. The myths of the church provide comfort to those of limited intellectual capacity, they probably think, and they're probably right.
Arch, not alarmed any more.
The US is a dying democracy
One way that democracies end is suddenly, by means of a coup or other other
extra-legal or quasi-legal means that replace an elected government by an
4 hours ago
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