Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Optimism of the US People

[Links will be provided later.] I awoke this morning to the news that a certain British playwright has written a play inspired by the contrast between the cynicism and despair widely found in Britain, and the optimism she observed while visiting the USA ---specifically at the inauguration of President Obama. Perhaps this lady's sample of citizens of the two nations is far from random or representative, since of course there was a concentration of optimists among those who had come to participate or enjoy the inauguration. Still, her admiration for the optimism of the American public, or the existence of backwaters of the US where optimism still lives on, is cause for rejoicing in this country, and gratitude abroad. The important thing is to remember that our belief in the ability to solve problems at home and abroad should not depend on the ability of the US military machine to apply force. I recently saw a bumper-sticker that said: "How come Our Oil is under Their Soil?" surrounded by numerous stars and stripes and other patriotic symbols. Doesn't it make one think? I can take a joke as well as the next guy, but I want to place on record that an equally funny line might be for a bumper sticker in almost any country outside the US: "How come Our Jobs are inside US Borders?" It's all very confusing. But it's still good that we're optimistic about things. And I mean that sincerely. Arch

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