I was thinking it's time for a guest blogger, when what to my wondering eye should appear but a suitable essay!
Well, now we know that Trump isn't very smart. Understatement is the way to go here, because ranting just turns people off. But I want to bring up some interesting coincidences I have noticed.
Remember how fixated Trump was about the size of Arnold Palmer's junk? and how he kept saying that Hilary Clinton "got shlonged"? He knew very well that "shlong" is penis in Yiddish, he's not that dumb (really). I think that in a way, Trump and Putin are exact opposites, because Putin is a small man with a big dick, and Trump is a big man with a small - well, Marco Rubio said it first, whatever he meant. See how this works? All very dick sensitive.
Okay, we're going to have to do something drastic here. Invoke the 25th amendment because the
T is clearly off his rocker, or the 2nd because we could get people to aim at his other ear or (if they
are really accurate) whatever he has in his crotch. It would be great if someone could hack into the
Justice Department system (which should be quite easy now because all the systems are blown wide open by Nylon's little boys) and get a pardon for the joker who trimmed DJT's ear.
The Democrats really, really need a kick up their ass. They're still crawling about moaning about the
last election. I watched Hakeem Jefferies talk dithering bullshit to avoid having to admit that the
Old Guard are the lead weights sinking the ship. The leaders of the next generation are already here, but they are getting zero dollars from the party coffers.
I'm ambivalent about John Fetterman, although Bill Maher seems to think that he's the future of the party. Just think, if the dems could recruit a Hollywood star like Dwayne Johnson (awesome talent in dozens of disciplines) or a basketball star like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (genius IQ, has written novels) or Lady Gaga (staggeringly
competent and a genius)? I'd vote for a ticket with Gavin Newsome and Pete Buttigieg; Newsome for the great smile, and Buttigieg for the great brain.
Now, if Tiny Dick stops the arms shipments to Ukraine (which will seriously piss off the arms manufacturers who pay big bucks to senators), then Ukraine doesn't have to worry about keeping to the limits originally placed on them. Like, they could take all their HIMARS guns, put on Russian uniforms (good thing most Ukrainians speak Russian) and merrily drive right up to the Kremlin and blast it at short range. That would really annoy the cleaning staff. And the KGB/GRU/whatever guys probably won't have a clue. The Ukrainians could even draft North Koreans to help them, since those guys are just waiting for orders and don't know who's supposed to give them.
Somebody, do something.